Grocery Ordering for Indian International Students at RIT

Team: Forbidden City

Milestone 1

Problem Statement

Indian International students in Rochester are apprehensive about ordering groceries from the local Indian stores. We are currently focusing on two stores: SpiceBazaar and Namaste India, which both have distinct ordering systems. We would like to observe the students as they go through the process of placing an order to understand the exact problems that they face and propose a solution or design that could resolve the stated problems.



Service Providers (Indian Stores)

General Approach

  1. To understand the hurdles faced by Indian students, we would observe them go through the process of placing orders on two different systems, Spice Bazaar, and Namaste India, respectively.

  2. An interviewer would make occasional comments if the process were unclear, and a note-taker would make notes about the process and the interactions of the student with the system.

  3. Once the initial observations are made, interpretation sessions will happen within 48 hours to collate the data gathered into meaningful information.

  4. Based on the interpretations, an affinity diagram would be created that groups similar issues and labels them to identify patterns.

  5. Based on these inputs, an interactive prototype would be created using Figma to assess the proposed solution.

Milestone 2

Contextual Inquiry

For this milestone, we observed six recruited participants using existing platforms available for ordering groceries from Spice Bazaar and Namaste India. Further, they were interviewed to understand their pain points.